Eagles Auxiliary
On April 15, the evening began with the 6:30 p.m. potluck meal. Suzanne Birdwell prepared the roast beef for sandwiches. Brenda Bly gave the dinner prayer. The 7:30 p.m. business meeting was opened with Betty Mullet presiding. Shirley Wilson and Brenda verified each membership card of those in attendance. Members saluted and pledged allegiance to the American flag led by Shirley. The April 1 meeting minutes given by Joan Baughman were approved as read. Members accepted the audit report by Madelyn Brown. Betty reported birthday flowers given to Marilyn Gleue with Geraldine Ince to receive hers April 16. Geraldine is the auxiliary member with the longest current membership. Brenda reported the receipts from Taco Tuesday. Nancy Drumm, nominating chairman’s report is as follows: Carrie Rice, inside guard; Betty Mullet, trustee; Joan Baughman, secretary; Ginny Gilmore, treasurer; Suzanne Birdwell, chaplain; Brenda Bly, vice president; Virginia Wesley, past president; Nancy Drumm, president. These officers will be installed after the May 20 meeting.
Virginia, Nancy and Joan won the ticket drawings. The group shall meet again at 7:30 p.m. May 6 unless convened earlier with notice to members.
Flint Hills
At 9 a.m. April 3, the Flint Hills Woodturners Club met via Zoom. Thirty-two people participated including members from the South Kansas Woodturners Club of Wichita and Kansas Area Woodturners of Topeka.
Steve Bietau gave a back-to-basics spindle turning demonstration. Tools for spindle turning include spindle roughing gouges, skew chisels, spindle gouges, and detail gouges. Techniques for making beads and coves were demonstrated. To avoid catches and get smooth cuts, turners were reminded of the ABC’s of turning: anchor-bevel-cut. Turners should practice cutting beads and coves to become proficient and consider warming up on a scrap piece before starting a project.
Show and tell participants included Vaughn Graber, Heather Marusiak, Bob Holcombe, Tom Shields, Steve Hougham, Barbara Drolet, Victor Schwarz and David Delker. Members are welcome to join others for camaraderie and show and tell at the monthly “Ya Gotta Eat” lunch gatherings at Vista Drive-In. Dates can be found in the membership newsletter.
If you are interested in participating in an online meetings as a guest, visit www.flinthillswoodturners.org. The next meeting will be May 1 with a demonstration of resin casting by Steve Hougham.
The Gamma Omicron chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha held its first in-person meeting of the year on April 14.
Sherry Brown gave the educational. She showed how to use a Cricut maker to put a design on a glass bottle. Sherry had already placed the wording on the bottle with transfer paper. The members used a scraper to help the lettering adhere to the bottle. The bottles were then filled with a string of lights that had a stopper on it to switch the lights off and on.
Claire Beck gave the opening thought, “Flowers for Spring Prayer” from ConnectUS.
The ESA state convention will be virtual from April 30 to May 1. The St. Jude event will be on April 30. They will be giving away a Kansas City Chiefs tailgate package worth over $700. Members can buy a chance for $20 to get your name in the drawing. The drawing consists of a parking pass and two tickets to a regular season game. Those interested in purchasing a chance can call Maureen or Judy.
The International Convention of ESA will be from July 28 to Aug. 1 in Louisville, Kentucky.
Members continue to help at the Second Helping Soup Kitchen on the fourth Sunday of the month.
Founder’s Day will be May 12 at the Holiday Inn Manhattan at the Campus. The installation of the new officers for 2021-2022 and a jewel pin ceremony for one of the new members will take place. The awards from the state convention will be presented too.
The last chapter meeting of this ESA year will be the annual planning meeting on May 26 at the home of Carolyn Myers.
For more information please contact Maureen Wells at 785-477-1070 or Judy Ahrens at 785-477-0564.
Manhattan Rotary Club
At the April 15 meeting, President Rebecca Gould announced Interact tree maintenance in NE park on April 18, and the club will join on April 29 at 1:35 p.m. at President Myers’ house on campus to plant trees. The board is considering other meeting places including the Holiday Inn on Anderson. Bill Richter noted that used books taken to the Dusty Bookshelf can be donated for a fund to give certificates of credit to elementary students. Books can also be given to the Wamego Public Library. On Grow Green Match Day, April 22, gifts to the Rotary Foundation were matched 1:2 thanks to Phil Howe.
Dede Brokesh introduced the speaker, Julie Gibbs, director of the Riley County Health Department. Julie gave updates on COVID-19 vaccination availability, ways to get COVID-19 tests, types of vaccine available now, and number of vaccinations given so far. She said that about half of those eligible for the vaccine in Riley County have received at least one dose. She noted that experts still don’t know how long the current vaccines will be effective and whether COVID might require annual updates like some other vaccines. She said we do know that COVID is here to stay, there is such a thing as “COVID fatigue,” that masks do work, that physical distancing works, and that some restaurants have made menus available with a QR code. Current information is on the www.rileycountyks.org website. Another source is www.flinthillswellnesscoalition.org. She said that all the other services and programs of the health department are continuing and there will soon be another five-year community health assessment to learn needs for the future.
Cup money in April is for birthing kits. The speaker has signed the book “Before the Ever After” that will be taken to Lee School by Stormy Kennedy. The club meets Thursdays at noon via Zoom and currently at 1880 Kimball Ave.. Visitors and guests are always welcome.
Solar Kiwanis
The Manhattan Solar Kiwanis Club met at noon on April 19 via Zoom. Ten members joined the meeting. President Charlie Sargent led the meeting.
Sargent said one club member, Warren Prawl, had a birthday that day and a member had a birthday before the next meeting (Jim Sharp, April 25). One member had an anniversary before the next meeting (Naci Pelis and Brian, April 22).
The program for the day was about the Royal Family Kids’ Camp. This is for 6- to- 12-year-old foster children and is held each summer in an undisclosed location close to Manhattan and at other locations across the state and nation. Solarian Mary Scharfe has been involved with the camp for a number of years and Glenda Newkirk has been part of camp organization for many years. Newkirk is retiring this year and her son Andy and her daughter-in-law Sarah are taking over as directors. A birthday party is held each summer during camp no matter when the kids’ birthdays fall. Solar Kiwanis helps fund the birthday gifts for the kids.
Solarian Mary Scharfe was selected as Solar Kiwanian of the Year for the club and she will be entered in the Kansas District Kiwanian of the year contest. The club participated in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters Trivia for Kids’ Sake fundraiser on April 13 at Rockin K’s. Solar Kiwanians competing for the Solar Kiwanis Recalls team were Doug Denning, Charlie Sargent, Naci Pelis and Mary Scharfe. A second four-person team made up of Karl Dean, Adam Inman, Phil Anderson and Doug Ackley (Solar Kiwanis Savants). Neither teams placed in the top six. Donations are still accepted at https://www.4kidsake.org/Riley. Solar Kiwanian Dee Ann Herde is out of the hospital in Fort Myers, Florida, and is recuperating at her home in Manhattan.
The club will meet via Zoom at noon April 26 and Solarian Suzanne Ryan-Numrich will introduce speaker Kerry Wefald, who will give a snapshot of Kansas agriculture, or “How KDA Impacts All Kansans.”
Manhattan Solar Kiwanis Club meets every Monday at noon, currently via Zoom. Guests and prospective members are always welcome. Advance reservations are not necessary. Contact Secretary Doug Ackley (rda@ksu.edu or 785-539-4945) to obtain the Zoom link code for a meeting. Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time.
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